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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Admire John McPhee, Bill Bryson, David Remnick, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and James Martin (and most open and curious minds)


View from New Hampshire

For his typically unconventional views, I submit the always intriguing Mr. Steyn. The Spectator.co.uk Mark Steyn is nothing if not provocative. Check out his latest in the Specie. Though his audience is largely British, he speaks from New Hampshire. I am amused by those who are surprised or off-put by the fact that a political convention would be propaganda. What other purpose does it have than the advancement of it's party's positions and candidates. What was fascinating about this DNC was the almost total sublimnation of anything that might be termed controversial. The totalitarians won. Platform fight on NAFTA? (SIT DOWN!). Does anyone here want to continue the war in Iraq? (SHHH!). Can we appear to be to the right of the Republicans? (PASS THAT LARGER FLAG OVER HERE!).

But why should we be shocked. Kerry was not selected because he was the popular choice of the Party. He was chosen because it was perceived that he could win. So, let the games begin.

From the way this campaign has commenced, it might be useful just to divide up the party election budgets amongst the Ohio voters. I am sure they would appreciate the direct subsidy rather than having to endure the speeches and ads.

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