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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Admire John McPhee, Bill Bryson, David Remnick, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and James Martin (and most open and curious minds)



The Presidential Election is only eight days away. The analysts tell us that eleven states, mostly surrounding the Great Lakes hold the results in the balance. I am voting for Kerry because I believe that the nation needs a leader who is willing to admit the United States to the community of nations. It was the United States that championed the formation of the United Nations after the Second World War as an NGO to assure that problems could be resolved by multi-lateral action. Bush has espoused unilateralism. The war in Iraq has been a disaster not just because Iraq represented no threat to the interests of the United States but because it separated us from the other powers of the first world and absolutely aliented us the the largely Muslim Third World. It was the United States that formulated the Marshall plan which recognized that there can be no peace until the world reaches some kind of economic equality. Free trade and globalization must be allowed to flourish. I do not believe that a President can affect the economy as much as the candidates would have us believe, but I do think that the United States must be at the forefront of managing the World Economy. Economics are still market driven. Bush is too constrained by his conservative base to be able to be at the vanguard of globalization.

So we shall see what the eleven states bring us but I hope that they bring us a unifying, determined and far thinking leader.

If it be Kerry; may he lead us wisely. If it be Bush; may he seek new advisors.

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