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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Admire John McPhee, Bill Bryson, David Remnick, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and James Martin (and most open and curious minds)



At the grave risk of offeding those who count by the Lunar Calendar or some other more esoteric method of measuring the march of time, may I wish all a most happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

It is hard not to see the continuing war in Iraq as a great scar on the world in 2004. Year end (and beginning) is always a time to reflect on the past and prepare for the future. One can only hope that the United States can face the world in a more inclusive and humble way than it has shown in the past few years. Our culture and our politics seem to be driving us toward greater isolation from the rest of the inhabitants of this small planet. It is an especial pity when the tools of globilization are at hand. Fear is not a productive way to face the future when one has the resources to do good. Let us hope, but let us not expect.

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