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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Admire John McPhee, Bill Bryson, David Remnick, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and James Martin (and most open and curious minds)


The Celestial Kingdom

China continues its almost perpetual role as the conundrum of the world. It's economy hurtles forward in truly remarkable fashion. While we fret over the role of democracy in the middle east, far more important may be our relations with the far east. As Francis Fukyama noted in this week's New York Times, it is time that the United States evaluated its role in the that region in light of Russia's increasing bent toward facism, South Korea's angst to re-unite with the North, Japan's flirting with military power and China's persistant obsession with Taiwan. Here the Spectator weighs in. The Spectator.co.uk


lindsaylobe said...

I agree china is in the melting pot so to speak and its time to act.The cultural revolution and communism stiffled their cultural,religious and ethics based philosohies. They still remain but are being overun this time by rampant develoment.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you, but it seems that the region of middle east is going to be used as a belt against china, just in case of war. Which by itself is a very stupid idea if it is true.