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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Admire John McPhee, Bill Bryson, David Remnick, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and James Martin (and most open and curious minds)



The title refers to George W. Bush, but I can't help thinking of the late John Kennedy and his venture into political periodicals called GEORGE. En tout cas, despite the fact that I did not support him in the last election, I do wish the president the best for the next four years if only because he carries with him the future of our country. I can only hope that rather than being a lame duck, he will show some enlightened leadership. Well, one can dream can't one. Anyway here is a bit from the Onion which I found amusing. Good Luck George!

Caged Saddam To Be Highlight Of Inaugural Ball WASHINGTON, DC—

Attendees at the Independence Ball, one of nine officially sanctioned galas celebrating President George W. Bush's second inauguration Thursday, will be treated to a viewing of a caged Saddam Hussein, White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said Monday. "What better way to honor the president than with a physical symbol of his many first-term triumphs?" McClellan said as Hussein rattled the bars of a cage already suspended above the ballroom where the event will be held. "And I must compliment the planning committee. Outfitting Gitmo detainees with iron collars and forcing them to serve appetizers was an inspired stroke." Ball attendees will also be awarded door prizes, including a basket of nuts, 20 yards of cloth, and a barrel of crude oil.

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