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God (or Not), Physics and, of Course, Love: Scientists

This is for my friend Mo. But all are welcome to further discuss what used to be called Science vs. Religion. True to my deist roots I believe that faith in some higher power can be reconcilled with the experience of the natural order of things. I believe that if god caused the Tsunami, then he/she/it ought to be voted off the island. No such god is worthy of belief. But I also believe that human existence has some origin in a power beyond ourselves. Sorry, I can't define it further but that is where faith comes in. The New York Times > Science > God (or Not), Physics and, of Course, Love: Scientists Take a Leap


Mo said...

(1) Dear Xerxes, first of all, I hope my previous comment was not offensive, if so, my apology. (2) It is not surprising I am not religious, after living 25 years under ayatollahs what you can expect? after all these years of abuse of the name of God! This happened to a big portion of my generation in Iran, and they will pass it to their children I believe. (3) I think I couldn't clearly convey my idea, so I repeat it again: I understand "praying" is not "begging". You "admit" there is a higher power. But what is the point of "admitting"? Why should one bothers talking to God (if there is any)? (4) I don't believe in science vs. god, although I believe people used to refer lots of things to God, simply because of lack of knowledge (lightening, solar eclipse, etc). He lives a much limited life these days :-) kidding!

lindsaylobe said...

I belive god is in everything and that creation is a moveing feast. I can't explain it simply here-But you will undestand my thoughts if you visit and read my book review and its implications on a "New Kind Of Science".

Physical protection against natural disasters does not part of my belief in god.

Interested in your thoughts should you decide to visit.