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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Admire John McPhee, Bill Bryson, David Remnick, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and James Martin (and most open and curious minds)


Smiley's Decameron

Smiley's new novel is set not in the Iowa cornfields but in contemporaryHollywood, California; still, she is in top form at adapting literaryprecedent to her quirky intent. Ten Days in the Hills borrowsthe scheme of Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron, with a cast of moralbankrupts who get tossed together in a couple of posh Los Angeles locations where they will talk, eat, sleep, and copulate.

A conclusion that only the most perverse Hollywood screenwritercould imagine. Max, a 58-year-old burned-out film director, fantasizescoming out of his late-career doldrums to direct My LovemakingWith Elena, a sort of My Dinner With Andre (1981), except thatit will feature porn technique juxtaposed with high-minded conversationabout current events. The aforesaid Elena-- Max's current loverand a bestselling author of "self-improvement guides" (Here'sHow: To Do EVERYTHING Correctly!) -- has other ideas: obsessedwith the crisis in Iraq, she would like to see a film featuringJennifer Lopez as a gung-ho American soldier who, in a firefight,will have the beautiful bottom half of her body damaged beyondrecognition. The rest of the merry crew that join Max and Elenafor a 10-day vacation include Max's former wife, Zoe, a film starwhose narcissism is matched only by her daughter Isabel's eco-pedantry,and Elena's son, Simon, a witless UC–Davis undergrad who bringsto mind the screen personality of Ashton Kutcher. Although Simonseems to bear the brunt of Smiley's strongest moral condemnation,he does have a brilliant comic moment in the takedown of Zoe'spersonal coach and gigolo, Paul. The latter is a tendentious charlatan,a New Age hack who practices yoga and recommends that his variousfemale clients eat more "organ meats." Right.

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