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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Admire John McPhee, Bill Bryson, David Remnick, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and James Martin (and most open and curious minds)


! April

In a world like this, who needs April Fool's Day?

Telegraph View: The headlines which assail us every day are becoming so ludicrous that jokes and satire are surplus to requirements

Why we will miss the old Michael O'Leary
This is not actually a stock photo but a picture of Ryanair boss MIchael O'Leary. Why? Your guess is as good as ours 
In 1846 the London Evening Star informed its readers that a grand donkey show would be held in Islington on April 1. Those who made the journey found that the only donkeys there were themselves. Perhaps that is one reason that the Evening Star is no longer in business. Few people enjoy being taken for a ride, even if it is a donkey ride.
But April 1 does make one cautious about news reports. What’s all this about the company that will make a replica of your face entirely out of chocolate in time for Easter? The finished product looks disconcertingly like the posthumous Napoleon. Of course many do like their chocolate bitter, but few as bitter as death.
Chocolate faces: morbid (Ann Charlotte Ommedal)
Then there is the Michelin-starred restaurant that charges customers a full bill even before they arrive. And what about the 1,250ft-high hotel to be built in an unspoilt Swiss village? Or the effects of eating spinach, which can rejuvenate your brain by 11 years? True, true, all true we fear. For this is the way the mad world wags, and April fools look like being the only ones who’ll feel at home in it.

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