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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Admire John McPhee, Bill Bryson, David Remnick, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and James Martin (and most open and curious minds)


French or Chinese?

Loy Machedo
Its funny that I am even attempting to answer this question - given that I haven’t spoken either of the two languages. But here is an opinion - so here me out.
If I could have mastered any language - I would choose Chinese, simply because the Chinese people are a very closed and reserved lot and they do not open up that easily to foreigners. And secondly the Chinese economy is one of the largest untapped economies in the world, and if I were a businessman that is the place I would go to because China is where the world is focused at right now. French on the other hand - romantic, nice, sweet, good food, good climate and good feeling - not my thing anyways. And given that 3 of my Indian friends are constantly traveling to China for business and now that they have made really good money - Well you know what I like!
So French or Chinese - my vote is Chinese hands down!
Loy Machedo

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